Introducing: Your Weekly Jack!

It’s Sunday! A day for rest, reflection, being lazy, and looking at cute cat pictures on the internet. I hereby present my contribution toward your achievement of the latter goal: Your Weekly Jack! Meet Mr. Classy Jack:

The world's best cat

“I scoff derisively at any assertion suggesting that I am not the best cat. Because clearly I am the best cat.” (Photo credit: Katie Sehl)


He really is the greatest. Ask anyone who’s met him. He’s named for the Hon. John Gilbert “Jack” Layton (July 18, 1950 – August 22, 2011), one of my all time political heroes, whose funeral was on the same day that I brought this adorable, timid little cat into my home.

Have an excellent day, everyone! For all my fellow Montrealers, I hope you’re enjoying the long-awaited sunshine and above-zero temperatures.